Pinkernell, G. (in press). Fachdidaktische Designparameter für ein automatisches
Feedback auf Aufgabenebene. Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht. (Preprint)
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Pinkernell, G., Diego Mantecón, J. M., Lavicza, Z., Sangwin, C. (2023) AuthOMath: Combining the strengths of STACK and GeoGebra for school and academic mathematics. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 18(3), 201-204.
Pinkernell, G., Ehret, G., Diego Mantecón, J. M., Ríos San Nicolas, A., Sangwin, C., Kinnear, G., Lavicza, Z. (en prensa). Technical advances and didactic reasoning in the project AuthOMath. In Proceedings of 16th International Conference of Technology in Mathematics Teaching. Póster
Sanz-Ruiz, M., Diego-Mantecón, J. M., Ortiz-Laso, Z., & Blanco, T. F. (2023). Resolución de ecuaciones lineales mediante una herramienta de retroalimentación. In C. Jiménez-Gestal, A. A. Magreñán-Ruiz, E. Badillo-Jiménez, & P. Ivars (Eds.), Investigación en Educación Matemática XXVI (p. 600). SEIEM. Póster y Actas.
Diego-Mantecón, J. M. (2022). Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Digital Tools. Daktylos, 27(Herbst), 30. https://www.ph-heidelberg.de/fileadmin/ms-presse-oeffentlichkeit/presse/Daktylos/PHHD_daktylos2022_Medienbildung.pdf
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Pinkernell, G. (2022). Automatisierte Interaktion. Daktylos, 27(Herbst), 28–29. https://www.ph-heidelberg.de/fileadmin/ms-presse-oeffentlichkeit/presse/Daktylos/PHHD_daktylos2022_Medienbildung.pdf
Pinkernell, G., Ehret, G., Diego Mantecón, J.D., Ríos San Nicolas, A., Sangwin, C., Kinnear, G., Laviscza, Z.: Technical advances and didactic reasonning in the project AuthOMath. Poster en 16th ICTMT en Atenas 7.-10. Junio 2023
Ríos-San-Nicolás, Á., Diego-Mantecón, J. M., Ortiz-Laso, Z., & Pinkernell, G. (2022). The use of STACK for developing problem -posing and -solving skills of future mathematics teachers. En CADGME 2022: Digital Tools in Mathematics Education. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qF4ceMg6gNklOPa1JVkgKND1dOqNmyka/view